April 14, 2006
Good Friday
I've been very busy (what else is new?) this week. I went to the doctor to follow up on my shoulder and it turns out that I'm making it worse by not following instructions (read: I keep doing housework). I thought since there wasn't damage to the tendons that by continuing to do stuff would just prolong my recovery. But the dr. explained that the problem is not prolonging recovery, but the swelling can cause the bones to tear or fray the tendons, leading to permanent damage and the potential need for surgery. So, now I'm wearing a sling, except when I am doing my physical therapy.
Holy Week is always busy with church and other things, so there's been that. And V had a couple classes at the kids' museum, so that's been taking up time as well.
We have plans each day of this Easter weekend, and look forward to spending time with friends and family.
May God Bless you abundantly this Holy weekend. And may the joy of the Resurrection permeate your lives this Easter season.
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