April 15, 2008
What would you do?
We saw a house on Sunday. Honestly, after we drove past on Saturday evening, we really were thinking it needed to blow our socks off inside when we saw it. It didn't knock our socks off, but there were definite positives. Perhaps you can tell me if we're making a good decision? Or just affirm us? OR just tell me I'm flippin' crazy and we should keep looking.
Pros__________________________________ Cons
~it's close enough that we ~~~~~~~~~~~~~It's on a city block
can walk places: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~cars parked on the street
library, post office, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~postage stamp size lawn
restaurants, even a friend's house~~~~~~~~have to cross a big road to get
~Old house, with great old features ~~~~~~~to where we want to go
hardwoods, woodburning fireplace ~~~~~~~~Not nearly as nice a
~attic bedroom for the girls - no ~~~~~~~~neighborhood as the one we're
looking at their mess - also, no need ~~~~~~in now (older/city block, as
for guests to see their mess ~~~~~~~~~~~~opposed to newish suburbia)
~cheaper rent, so maybe we could~~~~~~~~~basement is only partially
get out of debt?!? Plus, build a decent ~~~~~~~finished
savings account?!? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~can't park in the garage
~similar space for entertaining, though ~~~~guests would have to park on
the dining room is awesome, compared to ~~~street
now ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~really, not nearly as nice a
~space in basement rec room for drums, ~~~~house as where we are now
with additional space for tv, video games, ~~~mostly because age (88 yrs)
craft bar with storage cabinets, etc. ~~~~~~~~smallish kitchen
~possibly will be managed by our current ~~~~~small bedrooms
property manager, so no need to come up with
additional monies up front ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~some of our bedroom
~newly refinished kitchen and ~~~~~~~~~~~furniture may not go up the
downstairs bathroom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~narrow stairs or fit in rooms
~no need to pay lawn service
~cute landscaping with flagstones, etc. ~~~~~not a lot of natural light in
~owners love the neighborhood and ~~~~~~~~~some of the rooms
plan to move back, plus there ~~~~~~~~~~~~~no master bath - all
seem to be kids nearby ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~bedrooms share one bath
~big closets, and lots of 'em
~office and sun porch/deck on same floor as bedrooms
I guess in some ways, we are being a little snobby in thinking it's not such a great house. It is a fine house and the owners have clearly done some really nice things with it (it was built as upstairs/downstairs apartments). But, we have lived in some really really nice houses (this one and the last 2). This feels a little like a step backwards, but maybe we should have been saving more before and living in some lesser places before? I think in some ways, we both feel like our egos are going to take a hit by moving into the city.
On the other hand, it will be nice to be able to walk places, as opposed to being belted into the car everywhere - maybe we'll save some money on gas? Plus, it seems like there's a neighborly spirit that doesn't exist in our part of suburbia - the owner said they intentionally park in the street to create pinch points so cars can't drive fast through the neighborhood, thus providing a little safety for the kids. Even though I thought it was annoying there were so many cars in the street, I really can see their point.
Posts written by humble servant
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