November 10, 2007
Day 10: Ads
Since our cost of living is so drastically different here and I intend to write more on this old space even after BlOPing (term totally ripped off from Laid Off Dad), I thought adding advertisements on my blog would be no big deal. And maybe even provide me with money for a coffee every couple months.
Little did I know that google ads would be putting ads on here for finding l0nely h0usewives or w0man seeking w0man ads. Please know that I do not get money for ads that noone clicks on, so for those potentially offensive ones, I get nothing in return for them popping up here other than a cringe or two.
So, please note, that not all ads up there are personally endorsed by me. As a matter of fact, I haven't been particularly thrilled with any of them - dating in B-more? men seeking women.... Of course, if they posted ads for woman seeking wine or woman seeking romantic getaway with husband I'd be all over that. Alas, I'm stuck with other things that don't apply to me. I'm hoping, though, that the more I write, the more focused the ads will be. I intend to keep them up for at least a couple months and see if it generates anything at all. And if not, I'll take them down.
All this to say, I hope they aren't too annoying to the few who read here and please don't be offended by their content.
I'm off to clean the house and get ready for company. !!! My favorite days are ones spent with friends, even brand-spanking new ones. (Oops, I hope the spanking reference doesn't get some ads that scream $&M. hahaha)
Have a beautiful Saturday.
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