January 24, 2007
Paint pink wall away from hot pink - check
laundry - in process
pack for 10 days - in process
take trash to curb - done
remove valuables from home - in holding room
remove important papers from home - in holding room
get oil changed (both vehicles need it, but since I'm only driving one to Baltimore - the van has the greater need)
go through boxes in garage - not gonna happen
go through girls' clothes and bag for Rachael - check (in holding room)
empty fridge - in process
wash dishes -
clean oven -
lose mind - check
hanging baskets and bird house to be packed -
move cymbals into van -
drink second pot of coffee since this afternoon - in process
unplug computer -
unplug all electronics, disconnect all cables -
clean humongo house - hiding under the rug, trying to avoid it
print directions to grandmas' houses and then to hotel in Baltimore - check
have utilities shut off - check, (don't forget about Amerigas!)
get house key from Cara -
did I already list lose mind? Cause I sure have that one covered.
Drive safely and try to enjoy the weekend visiting my grandparents on the way to Baltimore
Bless you all. I'll see you on the flip side.
Over and out.
Posts written by humble servant
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