December 13, 2006
I'm Like Tanya
I gotta get that negative post off the top of my blog. I was in a rotten mood yesterday. I'm sorry for moaning. It does not become me. At least not when I moan like that. wahaha!
Anyway, I did realize that part of my problem is the hormones. I am taking synthetic hormones, which make me completely crazy. I have actually sent in a question to consult with a different doctor to see if this is something I really need to take, I detest it so much.
The other part of my problem is I am tired. I don't sleep well when Husband is not with me (though the absence of snoring is definitely a plus). And, well, I'm not really looking forward to moving a second time in 6 months.
So, today, I have a better attitude and I actually hung a few Christmas lights outside. And I totally understand how the manic desire to hang lots of lights gets started. I bought a triple strand three section swag, thinking it would be perfect over our entryway. Only I didn't realize that once I had it up there, I'd really think it would look so much better with swags across the entire flat front section of the house. And the 200 lights I bought to put on the bushes? Yeah, that was only enough for one bush. And then the front of the house looks lopsided and we need more on the other side and wouldn't it look so nice if I wrapped the crepe myrtles?
THIS is why Husband needs to come home. I am going to spend all our money on lights and decorations for the outside of our house. Haha.
Okay, I'm not really going to do that, but I'm thinking our simple way of only decorating the inside of the house really was better for us.
Thank goodness when we move, we probably won't have a yard, so I can't even want to go all out next year. :)
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