June 12, 2006
God Bless Cara!
I write this from Cara's living room, her husband in the front yard mowing, her two older children happily munching the lunch I just served them. Funny how peaceful it feels at someone else's home, with their kids playing and your own about a hundred miles away. :)
Cara text messaged me with a few home listings yesterday while we were at the park with friends in Atlanta. Her efforts and looking came at a time when we were feeling a bit frustrated with things falling through on three other houses - and a fourth that was our way-back-up choice that was signed on just hours before my call. So, we were pleasantly surprised when Cara sent a picture message to Husband's phone last night - she'd gone to check out one that she found listed yesterday (admittedly, I did ask if she was too busy to do it - and she said she was - but then she went anyway). I already had an appointment for this afternoon to see the inside of the house, but we were curious.... I drove by the house this morning and called the guy to see how we might proceed if I like it this afternoon (the owner lives in the UK). And I got to see it this morning. It isn't everything we wanted, but for the price and the neighborhood, it simply can't be beat. Add to that we would never be able to be in a house like this in a bigger city (too expensive), it's probably better that it isn't quite as big as we wanted. It will keep us grounded... :)
So, I'm waiting for an international call to work out details. We left the house unlocked (with his approval) so Husband and I can go back and see it this afternoon. I think we'll leave it unlocked for Cara to take a look around this evening. :) She rocks! ***I got the call! He's calling our references and we should have a contract by the end of the week!!!***
We're praying this is the house God has had in mind for us for while we are here. It is in an absolutely stunning neighborhood - a neighborhood I can't believe we may live in. We're excited and happy to have these things drawing to a conclusion (at least this part of the moving). I'm looking forward to having an easy dinner with Cara and Sandi possibly this Thursday (maybe I'll mention making pizzas and I'll help or do most of it).
Anyway, I have a couple errands to run, so I'm outta here for now. I hope to catch a moment to read up on everyone else before I head back to my children and friends in Atlanta (God Bless Becca for keeping them for me today!! And letting us sleep at her house for a few nights! and making dinner!)
God Bless you and I'll update more soon.
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