November 05, 2008
History is Made
Through this election cycle (and the previous ones, for that matter), I have had the unfortunate privelege of receiving offensive emails from family and friends regarding our differing political views. I tend to keep my mouth shut, since I love and respect these people. I will also point you in the direction of a post from 4 years ago that sums up how I feel (apart from the part where I support W - wow, how things can change in 4 years).
But I just want to share an email I sent this morning to a friend in response to a gloating message. I refrain from talking politics because I know my opinion and you know yours and I don't know that it's possible for us to ever see completely eye-to-eye without a major conversion experience for one of us. Perhaps my words will help explain where I'm coming from better. And perhaps you could keep this in mind when you deal with your friends who are politically on the other side of the aisle.
I love you, friend. That being said, I have to defend myself a bit from your email. You say that conservative Christians have held the white house for the last 8 years and have done a bang up job. But the reality is that Bush's approval rating among conservative Christians is just as bad as his approval rating among the rest of the country. He has not made his decisions based on our ideals. His government has not kept their part of the bargain.
Do I agree that we need major change in this country? Absolutely. But I don't believe that one man without respect for ALL human life can be the savior that so many on the left have touted him to be. I don't believe a man who thinks of babies as "punishments for mistakes" really has a grasp of the greatness of the gift of life. While I may not have led a chaste life prior to marriage, I also knew there may be consequences for my choices (and at that time, I wasn't even a christian). But I took measures then to be "responsible" in order to prevent unplanned or unwanted pregnancy. Do I think that makes me better than anyone else? No, just smarter in my decisions - I didn't want a baby, I didn't put myself in a position where that may happen (or at least in a position where that was likely).
Do I think that Obama may be a great leader? I think he may be. But he needs to protect ALL human life, not just those lives which are convenient to protect. I pray for a unified America. I pray for our leaders to stand firm for the truth and for the values this country was built upon.
We need not be a nation of selfishness and greed - I agree with his statement last night that we need to be ready to sacrifice. But I believe he needs to see the reality of truth - that there really is a right and wrong and it isn't just about what's good for me (or you, or anyone) as an individual.
I am a bit offended by liberals suggesting that I am out of touch with the reality of today simply because I am a conservative christian. My husband works hard in order that I can stay home with our children. We freely give our time, our love and our money to others in an effort to ease the suffering of our world. We try to be good neighbors, good stewards of the land, courteous examples to our children that if we want love in the world, we must be willing to do anything in order to give it.
We accept persecution from family members and friends while we turn the other cheek - I don't attack them for their religious or political views, and yet I am attacked by them for being a "judgemental right wing sheep bastard". I don't forward offensive political emails to those who would be offended by my opinion (actually, I don't forward any offensive political emails - both sides are wrong when they attack the other). But for anyone to say that my family and I don't do our damndest to make this country a better place to live, a better place to raise our kids, a better, cleaner planet.... Well, darn right I take offense.
All this is not an attack against you, my friend. But I don't think it's fair of the left to point fingers at the right - particularly since so many on the right have felt even more let down by our current president. There is a lot that has happened in the last 8 years that shouldn't have happened. But at what point do the American people take responsibility?
The government didn't buy houses they couldn't afford. They didn't get greedy and build their dream homes, only to have to make wacky mortgage deals in order to afford the payments. I live quite near the nation's capitol and I am astounded at the excess and waste. Wildlife is being forced into neighborhoods because areas that forever have been woodlands have been cleared to make way for mcmansions, to fill with their progeny of one or two perfect children.
I live in a state that is as liberal and left-leaning as possible, and yet, these folks are shouting for us to save the earth - while they drive their big SUVs and build their dream homes on previously unspoiled land, killing farms in the process. When people are willing to step up and really sacrifice their desires for the greater good of our country and for our earth, then perhaps I will listen closely to the left. When they are willing to sacrifice their comfort for the sake of their children, even when those children were conceived outside their life plans, I will believe them when they say we need to step up for one another.
What the left is saying, though, is that they want to be able to do whatever they want, whenever they want - without consequences. I do realize there are folks on the left who live by the ideals they claim to believe. And I don't judge those who are big hypocrites - that's not my job. I believe there will come a time when every one of us must answer for our actions and bigotry. But to say that conservative christians are responsible for the current crises in the United States is false and unfair. I don't call all leftists baby-killers.
Friend, did you know ANY Catholic priest during the time of your upbringing who was a good guy? Who really loved the Lord and was trying to shepherd in a way that brought his flock closer to Jesus? I'd bet the answer is yes. Do the sins of a few taint the whole bunch? No. I'm proof of that. My kids are proof of that. [Tomorrow, my husband and I will celebrate ten years of marriage. That isn't something that a lot of people can say these days - particularly given what we've been through in that time - some times it would have been easier or more convenient just to get divorced. But we knew the right thing to do was to sacrifice for our family. We entered into marriage with the plan that we would do anything to be true to our promises. We haven't always been successful, but we were willing to work through it without trashing each other's dignity.]
We are out here. We exist - we conservative christians who live as we say we believe. And we love America, even liberals. Even though we're misunderstood, judged, accused of being stupid. So, one of the things I'm grateful for is that this election is finally over. I'm relieved to know there won't be riots in response to the election results.
In the meantime, I'll be living my life as I have been, in prayer and love and trying to do good works. I'll be raising my children to know the difference between right and wrong and to stand up for the truth and try to protect the innocent. I'll be educating them in a way that allows them to accel and to love learning, encouraging them to serve others. And yes, I hope they will learn through me and their father that loving the Lord is first, above all else. That they would know that no matter what happens in our lives, that we have a place of truth and love and comfort in our faith.
Even I, a crazy right-wing christian, will be praying for Obama. He is going to need an immense amount of support and grace in order to accomplish the good things his campaign promised. I'll also be praying that the truth of the dignity of ALL human life would be revealed to him. That he would stand firm on the values and rights our great nation has held most important since the beginning.
God Bless us all.
Your friend,
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