September 28, 2006
Geography Meme
I was tagged by Another Catholic Mom and while I don't normally actually "follow the crowd", I don't have much else to say and I thought this was interesting.
1. A Place You've Visited and Your Favorite Thing there.
It's funny that
Another Catholic Mom would choose one of my favorite places. But my favorite thing at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris was the service each Lenten Friday, venerating The Crown of Thorns. My visit to Paris happened to be during Lent and though I didn't understand the words spoken during the service, I was moved to tears and was able to kiss the encasement of the crown.
2. A Country You'd Like to Visit and Why
Italy. I would love to visit all the historic places where saints lived. (I know there are saints from other countries, too). I would be humbled to go to the Vatican and pray in a place where many before me have prayed. I would love to see the countryside and interesting places like Venice and Assisi and Milan and Capri. Visit all the churches, most of which are older than our COUNTRY. Wine country. The coast. The cities. A month would be about enough time to spend. :)
3. A Place From History You'd Like to Visit and Why
In Bethlehem, just over 2000 years ago. I'd like to be the Innkeeper's wife and insist that Mary and Joseph take our room for the night. (Though I realize this would ridiculously change the whole nativity story. And well, God's will certainly happened anyway, but someone should have shown them better hospitality.)
4. A Place You Know a Lot About
My mind. 20 years of therapy can do that for a person. Oh, wait, I just remembered this was supposed to be about geography... I know a lot about Tampa Bay, I know a lot about Ohio (history-wise, not current happenings).
5. A Place You'd Like to Learn More About
6. A Fictional Place You'd Like to Visit
Narnia. I'd really like to have a romp on Aslan's back, my face and hands buried in his mane.
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