September 13, 2006
Works-for-Me Wednesday: K12
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We homeschool. And last year was rough. Not as far as schooling goes, because I was rather laid back about it. But there was a lot of major change in our family and I had a significant emotional set-back in August, which wasn't really a good way to start off a new school year. As we went through the school year, my emotional state improved, but I never really got on track with structured schooling.
In spite of this, Bookworm went from not reading well to reading above 4th grade level by the end of the school year. Also, she finished the year with math on par above level. Still, Husband felt she needed more structure. I really am not a structured person, so I knew it would be impossible for me to independently give her what he wanted. We had decided on enrolling her in a public virtual school, which would allow her to go at her own pace at home, but her education would be directed by a "real" teacher. I would still be her primary teacher, but more like a teacher's assistant (doing whatever the teacher said to do). Even though I wasn't comfortable planning a day, I could certainly follow instructions, so this would be a perfect compromise. Alas, we moved to another state that does not offer this kind of school.
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But the curriculum is available for homeschoolers. And yes, it is expensive, particularly when you factor in the cost of the monthly online support. But it is more than worth it. We are only using Language Arts and Math this year, since we are also in a co-op that has some other subjects in class once/week.
We sit down to do school work and we're having so much fun that we don't even realize that hours go by and we haven't felt like throwing our hands in the air. The K12 program has online support and for each lesson, the online program walks you right through each component of the lesson. It is wonderful! Very little planning on my part (other than the other subjects) and we love the variety in the lessons.
K12, it works for me!
For more Works-for-Me Wednesday tips, see Shannon over at
Rocks In My Dryer.
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