February 26, 2008
God is good - ALL THE TIME!
All the time, God is good!
This morning, I write that a plane ticket has been booked to get Nol home to his wife. I write this with joy and sadness. I've had a front row seat in witnessing what happens when you trust God to take care of a need.
My husband went to the hotel Sunday night, when Nol was working, in order to let him know our mission. For the second time in as many days, Nol broke down into tears in the kitchen at work - this time as a friend assured him that he would be going home as soon as possible.
The ticket was booked this morning, on the faith that we would have enough money to pay the bill when it comes. We know we will have it - I continue to get calls and emails from all over - and when I check the paypal account, there seem to be new payments - from names I've never even heard before.
God has worked in a mighty way this week - through the generosity of many many people. I personally appreciate each donation, each prayer... Something has transformed in me in the past few days, contemplating the kind of life that requires working many hours in a foreign country - sacrificing onesself to provide for a family and a village he cannot even enjoy.
March 3rd, 2008
I sat down this morning to write an update and found this in my drafts, so I will post it with an update.
This morning, Nol has arrived in Cebu, Philippines to be with his family for the next 5+ weeks. In addition to his flights, we were able to give him an envelope with money to help support his family while he has no income. What we gave him is not enough to cover his wife's medical expenses, so we are still collecting donations on his family's behalf.
We are so touched at the numbers of people who gave generously last week. Thank you for your prayers!
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