There are lots of things stewing around in my head that I'd love to write about. Perhaps I will make Lent a time of sacrificing some of my time to write about things that are important to me. Things that may turn off a few of you, I don't know. But I've given it some thought and I'd really like to write some things that are not so much about my life and what's going on in it - but things that are about how I feel about certain issues. I won't call it sharing my wisdom, because I'm far from wise. Rather, I'm thinking some words about what I believe and why - just my perspective. Because blogs are nothing if not a bit about narcissism.
If there is something you'd like to read about in particular, send me a comment and let me know. Otherwise, you're basically going to get some stuff about what I believe, why, and how I got to this point. Every day? Hopefully. I will not be posting on Fridays or Sundays during Lent, so that basically is 5 posts a week for more than a month. I know it's a stretch, but I'm certain I can do it. Right after I run those 3 miles each morning. haha.
Today, I'll take care of some light housekeeping around here - dust off the keys, so to speak.
-- My health is the same. I had my appointment with the specialist at the end of January and he knows nothing. I have more tests for them to do and I have a follow-up ultrasound for the cysts they found right after Christmas. For now, he doesn't think it's hypothyroidism (due to my blood work from November), but all the signs point to that, so he doesn't know what to think. The other thing, he has no idea why my temperature is so low (bordering on hypothermic many days). Even if I have hypothyroidism, it is rare that it would cause this low of temps. So, nothing new to report. [I could still use your prayers. I feel rotten most days - think of how bad you feel if you have a fever and imagine that, only cold instead - now imagine feeling like that roughly 5 days/week. So, definitely not life-threatening or anything too severe, but it's a constant blah - not to mention the headaches that come with it.]
-- I'm wanting a blog redesign - a complete overhaul. I cannot spend money on it during Lent, so if you know of some great layouts that an idiot can implement for free, please let me know. Or if you know a blog designer willing to do some pro bono work, send me their way. ha!
-- If you haven't been reading the
-- Most of you who know me also know Raelyn. Please remember to keep her in your prayers as she continues chemo for traphoblastic disease.
-- If you need a laugh, go read this. I seriously chuckled for days when it crossed my mind. Then she posted this, which is almost as funny.
Have a blessed day.