September 18, 2007
New Music - TODAY!
I posted a couple months ago about a group that I'd recently heard for the first time. Well, we've had the cd since then and listen to it all the time. The girls each have their favorites - Silly Sally likes track 2, "The Twenty-First Time"; Bookworm likes track 6 "What Soldiers Do". I sing along to every song. There are songs that tug at your heartstrings, songs that make you tap the wheel and bob your head and every song lifts your spirit.
Monk and Neagle are fantastic songwriters and have a beautiful gift they share in the praise and storytelling of their songs. I hope to be able to work our schedule (and budget) to take the girls to see them on the Mercy Me tour. I know it will be an excellent experience for all of us.
Please go and buy this cd. You will not be sorry.
*please don't miss my post below.
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