September 20, 2005
Signing Off For Now
As you know, I'm heading to Vegas. I am not going to be online tomorrow (except maybe to check on Nino). :)
I won't be back until next Tuesday at the earliest (we fly back overnight Sunday and arrive Monday, but I have a feeling I'll be pretty darn exhausted from not sleeping on the 4 hour flight and then having a 3 hour layover in the airport from hell). Then A gets into the airport 2 hours after I do, so it will be a while before I can actually head home. I'll fill the time between our arrivals by going to get my precious girls and their things from the weekend with friends and family.
So, friends, I shall see you on the flip side of my trip. I am incredibly excited - we've decided to stay the entire time at the Luxor, in spite of the ridiculous weekend rates. I've already booked a time for a massage and facial for Thursday afternoon. I am absolutely looking forward to a weekend where my husband and I indulge ourselves a little and take in the sights of a city that never sleeps. Though, you can bet we'll be sleeping. :) As he does every year, my husband proclaims the week before my birthday part of the "Birthday Extravaganza!" So, even though this is a trip for both of us, we're indulging since we are officially at the end of our twenties this week. Next week, I will turn 30. I have no idea how this is happening, truly. I remember clearly when both of my parents were 30. And well, I am not sure how I got to this age. But, I am determined to do as Nino suggested last month when Rae turned 30 - and let's just call 30 the new 20! Maybe then I won't be crying into my cosmos this weekend. lol!
God Bless you and may He keep all those in the path of Rita safe. I'm seriously wondering if it is smart for us to continue to live on the Gulf Coast.....
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