Oh, if I knew then what I know now......
As you might know, today is my 30th birthday. I know many are waiting on an entry about my trip to Vegas ~ no doubt with baited breath, though I'll surely disappoint ~ but since it's taking me longer than I thought to get it together, it'll wait until later (today, hopefully?)
About being 30. It isn't so much that I am fearing 30 - I am excited about it, really. I am getting in shape, I'm in a great marriage, I have incredible kids, I have a slew of great friends.... It is more that I am feeling a bit shell-shocked, I suppose.
How did I get to be 30? Not that I try to deny it, but I really am an adult now. Have I been reluctant to see it? I have no idea why, but it seems I've been "playing house". As if my mind has yet to catch up with my life. I find it difficult to believe that my sweet V has become such a big girl at 5 - and that my baby, Little A, is going to be 4 in a few very short months. My baby.
So, friends, 30 isn't looking the greatest (yet), but I am empowered much moreso than I was at 20. To give a comparison of life from then and now:
When I was 20, I had a severe drinking problem so bad that my stepmother cashed in a flight voucher for a one way ticket to send me to Florida to live with my uncle. This was after my dad's mom kicked me out of her house on Thanksgiving evening.
Now that I'm 30, I drink so rarely that a glass or two of wine is enough to send me reeling. I have no relationship with my stepmother, after spending many years beating myself up over the fact that she wants nothing to do with me (as if putting me on a plane to Florida to wash her hands of me was not indication enough back then). And I have a fabulous relationship with my grandma, knowing that her kicking me out was one of the best things she could have done for me.
When I was 20, I had no direction, I'd dropped out of college, I had no car. That year, I had 4 different jobs after my move to Florida - that's not counting the 2 jobs I had before my move.
Now that I'm 30, I still have pretty much no direction, but at least I feel like I'm accomplishing something in raising two wonderful daughters. I have an idea what I want to be when I grow up and I'm looking forward to start soon doing some volunteer work with the local crisis pregnancy center.
When I was 20, I did not have the best judge of character, but still somehow managed to meet one of the best friends I will have in my life. And if you read this, dude, I want my computer stuff! And you know how much I love you and you, and now your family, mean to me.
Now that I am 30, I am blessed beyond reason with incredible friends. Friends who fill the gap when my family falls short. Friends who like me just the way I am. Friends who I would do anything for ~ who make me want to be a better friend!
When I was 20, I couldn't get over the fact that I'd lost my dad just a year before and that it ripped my family apart. That the only contact with my mom's family was with my cousin and uncle and their family - and this is who I moved to Florida to be with. I felt incredibly alone and rather unwanted by both sides of my family. There were many many days I didn't move from bed except to go to the bathroom.
Now that I'm 30, I have a pretty amazing family myself. A husband and children who far exceed any dreams I may have had. I've built a pretty good relationship with my mom, spanned some bridges with the rest of her family. I am blessed with incredible in-laws. The "normal", stable family unit that I didn't know growing up. And the holes are filled in with the above-mentioned friends.
When I was 20, I had a body that was nearly perfect. I wasted it and took advantage of it. I disrespected it and disregarded its health.
Now that I'm 30, I am working very hard to restore my body to good health. I appreciate the wonders of my body - that it was able to help produce 2 amazing daughters, that it is capable of being a strong and sexy force in my marriage.
When I was 20, I just didn't know what lay ahead. I was scared out of my mind of what life had in store for me. I had no idea what to do next, how to set a goal, how to follow through.
Now that I'm 30, my goals are different than I could have imagined and I just trust that the Lord will pull me through the rough patches. I trust that the Lord will give me greater follow through than I could ever have on my own. I trust that the Lord's plan is greater than any dream I had as a girl, or even at 20, when I was sure I was no longer a girl.
Now that I'm 30, I appreciate what I've been blessed with. I work hard to nourish relationships (maybe not always the best I could do, but I'm a work in progress). I know that God's presence in my life is real and has changed me - definitely for the better.
And I know that now it is time to take my girls out for bagels for my birthday breakfast. Then to the grocery store. :) Ah, being 30 rocks, don'tcha think?
Speaking of rocking: Becca, you are wonderful!!! What a beautiful surprise to come home to after breakfast out with my girls! Thank you so much!!!