Call, you sickos. My first three-way call, you complete perverts. ***What a Whor* I Am!!!! I totally had forgotten that Sandi and Becca and I had a three-way call a few months back prior to me moving back to FL, but after our blog party. I am so sorry girls for forgetting that fun conversation and I am sorry for misleading you Kell and Jen - I wasn't a virgin after all. Good golly, get me some help!***
What fun! Kelly called me yesterday and said she had Jen on the other line and was going to conference us. She then proceeded to hang up on me. She called back and said "oh, well, I guess it isn't going to work." So, I told her how to do a three-way (call! Get your heads out of the gutter and realize I am talking about a phone call here. tsk tsk.) and we quickly were three in the conversation.
Now, you may not know this, dear friends, but this was the first time I had talked to Kelly and Jen. I have to tell you, I thought they both had young voices. Are they really SAHMs? Or are they cyber-stalking teenagers trying to fool us all? LOL. I assure you they are who they say they are and we had a great time just talking about all kinds of stuff that never gets into blogs. It was kinda like a mini-blog party. But on the phone. Without the snacks.
I am a bit ashamed to admit that V's school work was put off til after the call (we normally try to do it while A is napping), but wow, it was so much fun getting to know these fun ladies a bit more! We talked about how Kelly comes across as "sweet and innocent" and I corrected myself and decided it isn't really so much innocent as it is wholesome or unsullied.
We talked about Jen's odd enjoyment of Barry Manilow songs. We talked about how sad we are for Cara to have a new job she is excited about, but is unable to fully jump in because her precious kiddos are fighting over who can be sick the most.
We learned that we are even more alike than we thought before. They learned that I can get d*scount t*ckets to FL theme parks - bring on the Central Florida Blog Party!!! (Do you realize that my dh is also the GM at a hotel, so we could get a block of rooms for a really reasonable rate depending on the time of year?)
In all, it was a most enjoyable way to spend 2 whole hours! of my afternoon. I am excited to deepen these cyber-friendships and I look forward to a day when we can all gather together and giggle like school-girls.
Thanks, ladies. You make my life fuller and richer and much more fun. I appreciate you and just can't wait to get to know you more. And, Kelly, stay tuned - I have some assignments to complete for you. I am going to see what I can find in the depths of my computer to share some of those pictures with you.
Have a great weekend. God Bless.
Name: Holly
Location: Free State, USA
"Celebrate we will/'cause life is short but sweet for certain..."
Location: Free State, USA
"Celebrate we will/'cause life is short but sweet for certain..."
Amy - Against the Grain
Arwen Elizabeth
Jen - Searching for Me
Julia - Here be Hippogriffs
Kelly - The Woman Wonders
Linda - Indigo Girl
MP - Chick Chat
Megan - Charm Bracelet
Mercy Me
Nino - Cease, cows, life is short!
Rebekah - Boundary Lines
Sandi - Mom of 2 Boys
Shannon - Rocks in My Dryer
Sue - Living Upside Down, Down Under
Other blogs I read:
Laid-Off Dad
The Shape of a Mother
Sweet Juniper
My Homeschool Experiences
There's Grace in the Little Way
If you'd like your link included on my blog,
please let me know!
Take my button & link to me!Arwen Elizabeth
Jen - Searching for Me
Julia - Here be Hippogriffs
Kelly - The Woman Wonders
Linda - Indigo Girl
MP - Chick Chat
Megan - Charm Bracelet
Mercy Me
Nino - Cease, cows, life is short!
Rebekah - Boundary Lines
Sandi - Mom of 2 Boys
Shannon - Rocks in My Dryer
Sue - Living Upside Down, Down Under
Other blogs I read:
Laid-Off Dad
The Shape of a Mother
Sweet Juniper
My Homeschool Experiences
There's Grace in the Little Way
If you'd like your link included on my blog,
please let me know!